Hostage rescue - Las Vegas

Hostage rescue

Las Vegas, United States

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Your best friend has been kidnapped. The police is moving too slow, you decide to take matters into your own hands to ensure your friends survival. The Hostage

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Capacity: 2-6

Phone: 7,029,988,723

3271 S Highland Dr,

Mob Boss - Las Vegas

Mob Boss

Las Vegas, United States

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Help the Don and his family – they will not forget the favor! There is a rat in the mafia who revealed the Don’s secret hideout to the Police. The Don manag

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Capacity: 3-8

Phone: 7,029,988,723

3271 S Highland Dr,

Crazy professor - Las Vegas

Crazy professor

Las Vegas, United States

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In this game you find yourself in a secret lab full of strange inventions. A crazy professor has been conducting mysterious experiments – and discovered

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 3-8

Phone: 7,029,988,723

3271 S Highland Dr,

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